The Art of Self-Healing and Magic

Are you a newbie to the world of self-healing and magic, excited to dive into the realm of spells and enchantments? While casting spells and creating magical crafts can be delightful, there's a profound truth that often gets overlooked by beginners - real magic isn't just about following instructions and superficial actions. True magic resides within, and it's a product of your deep connection with Source and an authentic understanding of yourself.

I teach a lot of classes in witchy environments. To me, a witch is someone who recognizes that we are more than mere physical matter, we are also energy. Because we are both, we can use our consciousness to slip into the liminal spaces, the spaces between what is and what will be (the Field of Potential) and plant seeds of influence. However, this liminal space, this Field of Potential is not a no-man’s land, it is in fact already occupied by a consciousness. Over the millennia it has been given many names, and the one I use is Source. So, when we enter the liminal space or Source’s house, working our influence, a.k.a. magic, we must acknowledge that we are not doing this alone – we are co-creating with Source.

Real magic isn't driven solely by willpower, although it does play a part. It's an intricate dance between your conscious mind and your subconscious, between the physical and the spiritual (Source). Magic thrives in the liminal space where all potential and wonder reside, and to truly access and get the most from this realm, you must first navigate the depths of your own psyche.

The Superficial Allure of Spells

Spells are like the sparkling surface of a deep, mysterious lake. They catch your eye, draw you in, and offer the promise of quick and easy results. You might light a candle, recite a few words, and watch as your desires seemingly manifest before your eyes. But, it can be all too easy to fall into the trap of relying solely on the superficial aspects of spellcasting. As in life, so in magic – staying at the superficial level can be misleading and ultimately unfulfilling.

Sure, you might get results through superficial spellcasting, but these are often will-driven results, born from a place of intent rather than a true connection with the magic that surrounds us. True magic occurs when we allow the unconditional love of Source to flow through us and express itself in our lives as we give birth to our deepest, most authentic selves. If you want to tap into the limitless magic that lies beneath the surface, it's time to shift your focus from external actions to internal exploration.

Empowerment vs. Fear: The Core of Your Magic

True magic is a manifestation of empowerment. When your magical actions are driven by a sense of abundance, when you believe that you deserve the blessings you seek, the universe responds in kind. Your energy resonates with the positive vibrations of creation, and your spells and intentions become powerful, potent forces.

Conversely, if your magic originates from a place of fear and scarcity, you may find that your results are less predictable and often disappointing. Fear can create blocks and resistance, limiting your connection to the limitless possibilities of the universe.

As you do the subconscious work and explore your inner self, you'll discover an essential aspect of your magical practice: the source of your magic. Is it coming from a place of empowerment, abundance, and "plenty"? Or is it rooted in fear, scarcity, and doubt?

The Real Magic Lies Within

The key to unlocking the deeper, more profound magic is to journey within yourself. It's about understanding what makes you tick, what blocks your progress, what motivates and inspires you. By delving into your subconscious, you can peel away the layers of your own psyche, revealing the core of your being and your true magical potential.

Your subconscious is a treasure trove of insights, hidden motivations, and unresolved issues. It's like a library of the soul, filled with volumes of stories and “files” of beliefs, fears, and dreams that have shaped who you are today. To connect with this powerful aspect of yourself, you'll need to roll up your sleeves and do the work. After all, your current physical reality is created by your perspective – a combination of your mental, emotional, and spiritual (invisible) attitudes, thoughts and feelings. To change the outer experience, you must address in the inner ingredients.

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    The Playful Path to Profound Magic

    While the work of delving into your subconscious and understanding your inner motivations may sound deep, introspective and even scary, it's essential to approach this journey with a sense of playfulness. Remember that magic itself is a dance, and you are the choreographer. Embrace the adventure and allow your curiosity to lead the way.

    Don't forget that magic is not about perfection; it's about exploration and discovery. It's okay to make mistakes, take detours, and get lost in the labyrinth of your subconscious. Each step, no matter how small, is a part of your magical journey.

    If you're ready to embark on a journey of self-healing and magic that goes beyond the surface, here are some helpful tips to guide you along the way:

    1. Awareness: Start with paying attention to the monologue running through your mind. We think on average over 6000 thoughts a day! Yet only pay attention to certain ones that align with our energy fields. This practice allows you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, helping you uncover hidden aspects of yourself. I designed the Compass Workbook to help those who are ready to get to know themselves on a deeper level. It is fundamental to understand in magic that words are your wand (even internalized words) and when you change your thoughts you change your life.

    2. Understanding: Where did the thoughts come from? Who embedded that program? Was it something you heard, something you saw, something you experienced? Thoughts don’t actually originate for thin air, they come from the deep core programming inside and those are a collection of programming received from the outside world when you were young. Try keeping a magical diary or journal for 1 week to track your experiences, dreams, and emotions. It can help you identify patterns, triggers, and recurring themes and give you a chance to make a connection to where their source. This holds the key to your inner magic, because once you see it is not actually “you” but something you inherited you get to perform the most magical spell of all – CHOICE.

    3. Disassociation: When you understand where the thoughts came from and see clearly that they are not YOU, you can choose to let them go. Releasing old thought patterns and beliefs frees up a ton of magical energy, puts you more in alignment with your true self and this flow contributes to powerful manifestation skills.

    4. Rewiring: Once you’ve chosen to free yourself from old, stale programming, the last step is to insert new, high vibe programming that suits the YOU you desire to be! This feels magical in and of itself and the more you work with this process, the easier it gets. This is where you get to visualize and dream about all the wonderful experiences you’d like to have and since you have released low-vibing, non-deserving energy, you will feel it in your soul that you more than deserve it!

    5. Bring on the Magic: From this place of empowerment, you are ready to dive into all the doing of magic because you are in a place of being magical!

    By doing the subconscious work, understanding your motivations, and harnessing the power of empowerment, you'll discover a profound and authentic connection with magic. So, dive deep into the depths of your soul, and let your inner magic shine through. May your journey be filled with wonder, joy, and a playful spirit that guides you to the limitless potential that awaits you in the world of magic.


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