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Sacred Vitality Blog

Recent Posts about Consciousness

The Biggest Mistake To Make on Your Healing Journey
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

The Biggest Mistake To Make on Your Healing Journey

Ever feel like you’ve tried everything on your healing journey? You’ve done Reiki, had energy healing sessions, tarot readings, and yet... something’s still missing? You feel good for a little while but eventually, the old worries and fears creep in, the negative self-talk starts back up or something happens and the pattern is re-activated. Let me share a little secret: the biggest mistake many of us make is thinking healing is something that happens to us, not by us.

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Relaxation and Fun for the Manifesting Win!
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

Relaxation and Fun for the Manifesting Win!

Does this sound familiar? There is something you’d like to manifest - a new apartment, job, relationship, etc and you are doing ALL.THE.THINGS. You might be saying affirmations, making applications, doing spells, creating visions boards - all the things.

But let me ask you this - are you having fun? Or is it stressing you out? Are you worrying about the timing, as in it’s not happening fast enough. Are you fretting over whether it’s going to look like what is in your imagination?

If this is happening, let’s take a nice deep breath and check in with your body, seeking tension and bringing ease. Let’s break down how manifesting can go a lot better relaxation and fun!

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How You Know The Healing is Working
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

How You Know The Healing is Working

Over the years, I’ve had clients and energy-curious souls ask, “how do you know if the healing is working?”
While no one is ever fully healed (there is no perfection, only progress), there are clear signs that healing is happening. Let’s break down some of them:

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How to Recharge with Simple Rituals
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

How to Recharge with Simple Rituals

Does this sound familiar?
You wake up and look at your phone, scrolling through your social media feeds for a few minutes before you even get out of bed. Then it’s off for coffee and getting ready, and everyone in your house, for the day. The next hour or so becomes a blur of half conversations, finding lost last minute things, repeating yourself about ten times, feeling the anxiety and stress build tension in your body as the clock ticks ever closer to everyone being on the brink of being late. And your body begins to send signals that this might be the worst thing that has ever happened and doom, doom, doom is banging on the door, or at least it feels like this. But then suddenly, the clouds lift, the sun comes out and everyone is out the door just in the nick of time, as you rush off to work and need to focus on the next set of fires that need to be put out.

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The Art of Self-Healing and Magic
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

The Art of Self-Healing and Magic

Are you a newbie to the world of self-healing and magic, excited to dive into the realm of spells and enchantments? While casting spells and creating magical crafts can be delightful, there's a profound truth that often gets overlooked by beginners - real magic isn't just about following instructions and superficial actions. True magic resides within, and it's a product of your deep connection with Source and an authentic understanding of yourself.

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From Chaos to Calm: The Benefits of Combining Inner Work and Energy Hygiene
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

From Chaos to Calm: The Benefits of Combining Inner Work and Energy Hygiene

As human beings, sons and daughters of Mother Earth, we are constantly seeking growth and evolution. It’s in our DNA to desire better. We naturally seek to better ourselves, reach our goals, and live fulfilling lives. Yet, oftentimes we focus solely on external factors such as education, career, and relationships to determine our level of success and advancement, neglecting the importance of doing the inner work. Yet, inner work and energy hygiene are the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life.

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Why Resistance Happens and How to Handle It
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

Why Resistance Happens and How to Handle It

So, you tell yourself that you desire to quit eating a certain food or take up a new healthy habit. Maybe for a few days you are successful. But all too quickly, you have fallen off the proverbial wagon - the motivation is gone and you can’t bring yourself to continue. What happened?
Resistance happened.

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What is Shadow Work and Why You Should Start Doing It Now
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

What is Shadow Work and Why You Should Start Doing It Now

As you delve into a deeper relationship with yourself, you will encounter the term “Shadow Work.”
Shadow work can seem very scary, and messy, so let’s begin with the big WHY you will want to engage in Shadow work, either on your own or with the help of a guide.

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Sacred Space - What is is and Why You Need it
Christine Dostie Christine Dostie

Sacred Space - What is is and Why You Need it

Sacred Space is your inner temple, your inner flame. In this space, you are able to connect to the TRUE you, not the employee, the mom, the friend, the wife, or any of the other personas we embody in our lives.

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