A journey of self-love and self-development

Flow and Glow.

You wake up and your mind is already filling with the to-dos for the day. You grab your phone and an inundated with notifications, and off you go headfirst into the demands of work or family. The day has barely begun and you already feel rushed. Before you know it, the day has slipped away, leaving you exhausted and depleted.

Sound familiar?

I know that’s how my life felt for a long time. Having been raised since birth to focus on taking care of others while neglecting my own needs felt normal. Self-care and Self-love felt selfish. And something I could do “later”. Only, of course, there never was a later. Eventually, I started to lose my sense of fun and play, the nervous system didn’t feel great and I felt like I was going through the motions, running to catch up. Everywhere I looked my girlfriends were in similar states, so it seemed…”normal.” When I hit burnout and then again - basically when I was forced by my body to stop and slow down, only then did I begin to examine my strategies and processes, my priorities and my relationship with myself.

I hope it doesn’t take something so drastic for you, but if you are driven and dedicated to showing up for others, it might. This program is to help you being balance and integration in caring for your needs and desires while also continuing to show up. The best part? You actually can show up with more of your true self! And it feels amazing.

Here's the thing: there's no guilt in acknowledging you have needs and you need time to recharge. I know that can seem strange, but it’s true. A gentle nudge to realign and reignite a connection with yourself is not going to take anything away from the amazing work you are doing - it’s going to give you more vitality, creativity and sense of space and lightness to allow more LOVE to flow through you.

It's time to rediscover your rhythm, to reconnect with your inner being, and to embark on a journey of self-love that brings you back into your FLOW so your can GLOW. If you're ready to prioritize yourself and cultivate a deeper sense of love and acceptance, then perhaps it's time to explore the transformative power of FLOW and GLOW! This is your exclusive passport to self-love and empowerment. Over the course of 8 weeks, we focus on a pillar of self care and self love to gently and easily support you in re-aligning your focus to unlock a more magical and fulfilling life.

Through the combination of magical and mundane practises, you will get clarity on a vision for yourself moving forward that aligns with the true you, discover your elemental makeup and how to balance the elements in your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies to bring more vitality and love. With this , you can then create routines, rituals, strategies and processes that work for the YOU you wish to be and leave behind anything that doesn’t help you show up as your most vital, most efficient, most energized and magical self!

  • Week 1: Discover Your Self-Love Language and Cosmic Blueprint Uncover the mysteries within yourself – explore your unique love language, delve into your birth chart, and ignite your inner vision. This week is about creating a compass for your journey towards self-love.

  • Week 2: Harness the Power of Energy in Your Life Dive deep into the realms of energy – understand its fast and slow currents, explore the impact on your daily life, and discover the significance of the elements. Gain valuable tips and tricks to balance your energy for a more harmonious existence.

  • Week 3: Set Boundaries, Define Values, and Communicate Effectively Forge a path to clarity – establish boundaries, understand your values, and master the art of effective communication. Know why you're doing what you do and communicate with purpose.

  • Week 4: Money Magic and Manifestation Unlock the connection between money, energy hygiene, and manifestation. Learn the art of tracking your money as an essential aspect of maintaining energetic balance in your life.

  • Week 5: Time Management and Habit Building Bid farewell to stress and overwhelm. Acquire essential time management skills and cultivate habits that align with your vision. Let go of the burden of trying to do it all and reclaim your time.

  • Week 6: Mindset Mastery and Healing Emotional Stories Explore the profound connection between mindset and energy flow. Understand why your attention shapes your energy and learn to heal emotional stories that no longer serve you.

  • Week 7: Nourish Your Body – Energetics and Practical Wisdom Discover the symbiosis between movement, food, and energy. Explore the energetics behind nourishing your body, both from a mystical and practical perspective.

  • Week 8: Crafting Your Success Process The culmination of your journey – synthesize all you've learned into a transformative process tailored for your success. Navigate the shortest path to your goals by putting your newfound wisdom into practice.

Secure Your Spot for FLOW and GLOW Now! Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this 8-week course that promises to redefine self-love and empower you on every level. Click below to enroll and embark on the transformative journey of a lifetime!

Staying in your Flow can be a challenge. I get it. Working full-time and raising two boys keeps me very busy.

It’s easy to put myself last because there is just too much to do in a day. I’m sure you feel it to - short on time and full on the to-do list. And don’t even get me started on how not being able to check off a million things makes me feel like I’m not good enough, didn’t do enough or try hard enough for the day. The guilt, the overwhelm, the serious lack of time - the struggle is real!

It’s exhausting.

I have no time for self care let alone magical things. But as I get older and I have come to a place where “waiting for the right time” is about as useful as winning the lottery. That’s why I created FLOW and GLOW.

Practical meets Magical: A Perfect Balance

This 8 week program is a mixture of magical and practical ways to care for and love yourself in micro-doses and time chunks that will help you:

  • feel supported

  • reframe what self care looks like

  • schedule sacred time

  • set realistic goals

  • and learn powerful mindset techniques that will have you feeling like a powerful manifestor in no time

Whether you are looking for ways to bring more magic or magically create more time in your life, FLOW and GLOW can help you.

This program will dive into the practical aspects of life such as keeping a budget and tracking expenses, stacking habits to create new ones and generally learning to organize your time better. It will also help you see how energy work and magical manifestations can be incorporated into nearly everything you do allowing each moment to be one of scared ritual and connection to yourself in a loving and gentle way.

When you are able to control your emotions, thoughts, and actions, you will automatically feel more in FLOW with your life and when that happens, you can;t help but GLOW with gratitude and mindfulness as you learn to celebrate each micro-moment, each small win, each ounce of energy directed in a way that feels useful and good.

🔮 The Alchemy of FLOW and GLOW:

Empowerment through Emotional Control: Take charge of your emotions, thoughts, and actions. ✅ Gratitude and Mindfulness: Watch yourself GLOW as you celebrate each micro-moment, every small win, and every ounce of energy directed towards what feels useful and good.

🌟 Join the Movement:

Whether you're seeking more magic or longing to magically create more time, FLOW and GLOW is your invitation to step into a world where self-love isn't a luxury but a necessity.

Ready to embrace the enchantment within? Click below to reserve your spot and rediscover the joy of living in FLOW and GLOW!

Let's embark on this transformative journey together, because you deserve every bit of magic, love, and self-care.