Create a loving container

Boundary Bootcamp

How are your Boundaries?

If you’re anything like me, you didn’t even know what a boundary was when you were growing up. Unless you were talking about your neighbor’s fence. Saying, “no” was rude and selfish. In fact, if you were like me, you were actively taught to put the needs of others before your own, to be seen and not heard, and that you always had to say “yes” to family, because they were, and you didn’t want to let anyone down.

Sound familiar?

And where did that leave you? Without skills to effectively communicate your needs or foster healthy relationship dynamics. It leads to people pleasing behavior that has you looking for validation, approval and permission from other people. It has you hiding away parts of yourself because you don’t want to appear “too much”.

Issues that can arise when your boundaries are not well-established (including but not limited to):

  • Issues with clarity of thought

  • Trusting yourself

  • Saying, “no” (especially without guilt)

  • Negative thinking

  • ruminating on the past and feeling guilty

  • having trouble making decisions

  • letting other people’s opinions affect you and your choices

  • social media overload

  • burnout, overwhelm and over stimulation

How do you manifest a new life and new you? By taking apart the old foundations and making newer, healthier ones.

We all have foundations - the structures upon which establish beliefs, thoughts and actions. Foundations are inherited and imprinted forms of conditioning gifted to use from our families, our ancestors and our cultures.

Yet, as we mature our definition of what healthy and safe mean in terms of “home” might change. The same goes for our needs - whether we face, ignore, or advocate for them, as well as how we soothe ourselves in healthy or unhealthy ways.

Depending on what you were taught as a child you might respect the need for self-care of see it as selfish. Creating a loving container (earth element) starts with creating inner harmony in the emotional body (water element).

Having healthy boundaries = having an inner healthy container. It is about choosing a new way to take and receive energy - a way that allows you to rest in safety, health, happiness and enjoying a level of ease in caring for yourself and your needs.

Are you Ready for the Boundary Bootcamp?

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-love and healthier relationships? Look no further! Welcome to the Boundary Bootcamp, where you will unlock the secrets of setting boundaries, allowing you to love yourself unconditionally and cultivate profound connections with others. Delve into the extraordinary benefits of enrolling in our Boundary Bootcamp, where you will discover the power within you to create a life of authenticity, fulfillment, and vibrant relationships.

Discover the Benefits:

1.      Embrace Self-Love: At the core of Boundary Bootcamp lies the sacred path to self-love. By setting and honoring your boundaries, you will unlock a reservoir of love within yourself, fostering a deep sense of appreciation and compassion for the incredible person you are.

2.      Create Authentic Connections: Boundary Bootcamp provides a safe and nurturing environment where you will learn effective communication skills and gain insights into fostering harmonious relationships. By clearly expressing your needs and expectations, you will attract individuals who respect and honor your boundaries, leading to more authentic and fulfilling connections.

3.      Establish Emotional Balance: Boundary Bootcamp offers a transformative opportunity to establish emotional equilibrium in your life. By setting emotional boundaries, you will protect your well-being from emotional manipulation and cultivate a serene inner landscape, free from the turmoil of excessive stress and emotional exhaustion.

4.      Break Free from Limiting Patterns: Are you tired of repeating the same old patterns that hinder your personal growth? Boundary Bootcamp provides the tools and strategies to break free from self-sabotaging behaviors. By setting clear boundaries, you will gain the confidence to say "no" when necessary, releasing yourself from the shackles of people-pleasing and reclaiming your autonomy. Embrace the freedom to honor your desires and pursue your dreams unapologetically.

5.      Cultivate Empathy and Understanding: Developing healthy boundaries is not just about asserting your needs; it's also about honoring the boundaries of others. Boundary Bootcamp will guide you in cultivating empathy and understanding, allowing you to navigate relationships with grace and compassion. By recognizing and respecting the boundaries of others, you will create an environment that fosters deep connections and mutual growth, enriching your relationships in ways you never thought possible.

  • Boundaries act as invisible lines that define and protect our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

What you get:

Tips, strategies and techniques, both practical and energetic to create healthy boundaries.

What you learn:

How to take better care of time, energy and relationships and to own more of your personal power.

What’s Inside?

This 5-day email course will help you assess areas of your life that need more attention and walk you through a step-by-step proven process on how to create and implement healthier boundaries in your life.

Inside the emails you will find:

  • an 18 page workbook to assist you in your tranformative and healing work

  • daily videos to guide and support you on your work

  • An opportunity to create a deeper connection to yourself and healthier relationships in your life

  • An opportunity to focus in on the areas of your life that need the most support

  • Steps to communicate your boundaries in an assertive manner and how to deal with resistance

  • and so much more!