Discover Your Inner Healer: 5 Ways Energy Healing Can Help You Develop Intuition and Self-Awareness

Woman, meditating, discover your inner healer: 5 ways energy healing can help you develop intution and self-awareness

Humans are multi-dimensional beings meaning you are more than a physical body. You were born with innate gifts waiting for your attention and development. Often humans focus on the physical aspects of life and look for outside sources to tell you how to feel about yourself and heal your life. You are more than capable of learning to do this for yourself.


What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing is the term used for learning to balance your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. It is doing, saying, and thinking in a manner that allows you to feel like the most whole and loved version of yourself. Every single time you make the effort to care for yourself through your thoughts, movement, food, etc, you are engaging in energy healing techniques not just because you are taking care of your whole self, but also because to do so means you willing to investigate what is best for YOU.

Energy healing supports you in caring for yourself on a deeper level, and it requires commitment — consistent, daily action. The wonderful part about energy healing is that once you learn how to focus your attention and even play with some of the techniques of balancing your bodies, it becomes easier to recognize when you are out of flow, or blocked, and shift quickly back. In other words, you internal guidance system, or your intuition, helps keep you feeling healthy and happy. You learn to trust yourself and love your life. 

What stops most people from having a regular practice of energy healing that develops their self-awareness and intution is not that it is hard or overly time-consuming but that they are so focused on the outside world, they end up undervaluing and neglecting their inner world.

The key to feeling great is in your energetic choices — to have self awareness and connect with your intuition, a.ka. your inner healer.


Here Are 5 Ways Energy Healing Helps You Develop Your Intuition and Self Awareness

#1 Details, Details

Energy healing works on the subtle levels, the unseen but felt layers of your existence. It supports the healing of the subconscious where your inner wounded selves live. Too often, we tend to focus on details of how we got it wrong, how we weren’t perfect, how we are undeserving, because that is what the wounded parts of ourselves loop on.

Catching yourself in these thoughts and redirecting is a powerful energy healing technique. What brings you peace? What makes you happy? What little detail or gesture you can you offer to yourself in any given moment to remind yourself that you are worthy of love and care? Instead of the details of how wounded you are, focus on what makes you happy, learn yourself better and then care for yourself in a loving way.

#2 Opposites bring balance and clarity

Homeopathy is a holistic treatment method built on the concept of balancing opposites to bring a system back into homeostasis or balance. The same goes for you. Learning what triggers your anger, sadness, guilt, worry, shame helps you see yourself better. No judgment here – be curious and look for data.

If your view is myopic and focused on the negative, then shift in to a higher perspective and look for love. You can do this by consciously choosing one small thing you are grateful for about yourself. This small shift works like a pattern interrupt and helps you shift your feedback loop in the opposite direction reminding you to stop and breathe, come to center, and then ask yourself — what if it were better? What if I felt better? What would that look like? What would I be doing differently — I bet you find that it’s actually not that the answer is usually, the opposite of what you are doing now.

To learn more about Feedback loops, check out this video:

#3 The outer World is a reflection of your inner world

You have lenses through which you view your life and these contribute your feedback loop - or they way you perceive life. If you were mistreated as a child, this will affect how safe and powerful you feel in the world. Rejection causes you to see potential traps everywhere and incites you to guard yourself, perhaps too defensively in order to prevent being hurt again. But these lenses more often than not create disillusion and denial about who and what you are capable of and deserve in life. These negative lenses and feedback loops favor victimhood and keep you trapped in old stories, old experiences, and support you never taking any real risks in life because everything feels too dangerous. Negative experiences stick out in our minds much easier than positive ones. To develop your intuition you must be able to remind yourself to redirect toward the positive each and every time. Make sure you are editing the story that is living in your cells and not just let the default negative tendencies take over.

You are being of energy, of love, capable of anything you set your mind to. Working with healing these stories of victimhood through journaling or meditation will allow you to open up your inner space. Allow your inner voice to guide you to what needs your attention now and how to expand into that space and let go of what no longer serves. Once you stand in this energetic space, it is much easier to choose what adventures would please your soul and remind you that Life is a playground, and you are safe to explore.

#4 Energy Healing connects you on a deeper level to all your bodies

Your body is speaking to you all the time, but like most people, you are probably too busy to listen. Because you are energetic, mental, emotional and spiritual issues attempt to get your attention through the foods you are drawn to, the ache in your back, or the experience that keeps coming up in your life. You can heal these by looking and listening then giving yourself what you need.

This might be asking a sore body part to speak to you, or it might be balancing your Chakras so the energy flows more smoothly. Not to mention, taking a more observational approach so you can notice the thoughts that flood your mind and the emotions that cause your muscles to tense allows you to see more clearly the stories that are running your life. Then you can better hear and heal what needs your attention.

#5 The Skill of Discernment

Energetic information comes at you all day long. Also, you expel energetic energy constantly- in your thoughts, words, deeds, etc. But how well are you able to recognize if the nudges you feel and the inspirations that pop into your head whispering for you to act are coming from a healthy or unhealthy place? Is it your wound talking? Or your ego? Or is it your soul and higher self?

Learning discernment is a powerful healing technique because it empowers you to know what is best for you in any given moment - not someone else’s opinions, not your shadow self — the real, healed and whole you that is ready to explore and create a life you love!


Energy healing is ongoing. It’s a daily practice that refines the details of your life as you move from one experience to another. Learning techniques as simple as

  • remembering to check in,

  • ask yourself questions, and

  • listen to your inner needs

are deep and powerful strategies to heal from your past and feel more like yourself.

Remember, the key to developing your intuition and self-awareness is by developing a loving and safe relationship with yourself, and learning how to feel amazing. Feeling great is a result of your energetic choices, so take the time to learn to listen deeply to your needs, and trust your intuition and see the positive changes it brings to your life.


Harnessing Elemental Energy: A Wholistic Approach to Self-Care and Energy Healing


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